If You may, tell me please - How they ( bridges) came to Madrid from Germany. I ask You about it because bridges were made in Germany and i have collection of interesting histories about gitarren's details from Germany.
Bought them in Canada, 6 of them I think... don't know how they came there. I used one to put on a Musima Record I had with a tuneomatic bridge, the rest are the ones I put onto auction.
I really like vintage german jazz guitars, I have a small collection of a blonde '65 Musima Record, a late 50's Hopf Spezial with dolphin f-holes and a Hemosch/todt split hole guitar, along with some tailpieces and bridges from the era. Also have a Herrnsdorf for restoration along with a Hoyer archtop Telecaster for reapir too.
Колки Mechanik Gitarre Tuners
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